Welcome to ICS Lab
ICS(Information Communication Security) Lab is concentrating on the research and development of Digital Forensics, In-Vehicle Network Security, ICS(Industrial Control System) Security as well as a variety of convergence security. Specifically, we have many practical experiences with AI IoT Device Forensics, Linux/Unix File System Forensics, Industrial Security Solutions like In-Vehicle Network Whitelist and PowerGrid Anomaly Behavioral Detection based on Deep Learning Models. Currently, we have many research projects regarding Digital Forensics, Autonomous Vehicle, SCADA(Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) Security, Energy Management System as well as other hot topics in Information Communication Technology domains. We are collaborating with Supreme Prosecutor’s Office, National Security Research Institute, ETRI(Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute), KISA(Korea Internet & Security Agency), KEPCO(Korea Electric Power Corporation), KPX(Korea Power Exchange), Prosecution Service, NAK(National Archives of Korea), Korea Sanhak Foundation, NRF(National Research Foundation of Korea), Hyundai Motors Company etc. We always welcome to visit us and hope to see you as one of the ICS Lab members.
Research Interests
- ICS (Intelligent digital forensiCS), AI-based IoT Devices, Linux File System, Mobile platform forensics
- ICS (In-vehicle network Cyber Security), Autonomous Vehicle Security
- ICS (Industrial Control System), Smart Grid Security (EMS, SCADA, FEP/RTU)
- Network/System Intrusion, Behavioral Abnormal Detection
- Network/System Penetration Test/Vulnerability Analyzing
- and many hot items in convergence security areas
Elsevier ‘글로벌 상위 2% 연구자’ 선정
손태식 교수님
K-DFS 디지털포렌식연구회 최종워크샵 발표
손태식 교수님